The name Masterpiece in the Making comes from an idea I have of myself. To give a deeper look into this I’d like to first explain the meaning of the word masterpiece. Masterpiece by definition is a noun that means: a work of outstanding artistry, skill or workmanship! Knowing now what it means; to be a masterpiece is also the same Each day we are molding ourselves into outstanding forms of artistry. Each day we work to define our skills, as we chip away at the hardships that life may bring us while. We chip away the parts of ourselves we don’t want. We sharpen those skills and workmanship. Ultimately we become better versions of ourselves! Daily, actively, and consciously we work to become the best version of ourselves not just for us but also for those around us. We AIM to be more than just models. My goal is aiming help shape others to be Moguls and Role Models.